LifeNet, Inc. is a not-for-profit corporation providing cost effective, high quality ground and air ambulance services throughout Northeast Texas, Southwest Arkansas, and Central Oklahoma.

Our mission as an ambulance service provider is to offer the highest quality patient care in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Because our focus is on the care of the patient, training our EMTs and paramedics is a core value at LifeNet.

The LifeNet Air helicopter program is the oldest air ambulance service in the state of Arkansas. The flight program, which began in 1983 as St. Michael’s AirLife, has now flown over 13,000 accident free medical missions.

Fixed wing transports are used for inter-facility transfers when the patient needs urgent care that is not available at the sending facility. We match the medical flight crew with the patient’s needs.

LifeNet operates two 24-hour-a-day EMS dispatch centers staffed by experienced personnel familiar with the geographic area, city streets, and addressing system of our service area.
2016 Community Report for Hot Springs
We are pleased to submit our annual report to the community. As a community-driven organization, our core values for treating our patients, customers, stakeholders, and each other with compassion and honesty complement the City’s focus on integrity [...]
LifeNet Anti-Discrimination Letter
LifeNet, Inc. complies with applicable Federal civil rights laws and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, disability or sex. LifeNet, Inc. does not exclude people or treat them differently because of race, [...]
Quarterly EMS Survey Team Reports
LifeNet released the quarterly EMS Survey Team reports for each of their divisions. The survey asks respondents randomly selected to evaluate each phase of their experience, from interacting with dispatchers and the care they received from the medics, [...]
2016 Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest Report
Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA) is one of the leading causes of death and is a major public health problem in the United States. Since 2005, LifeNet, Inc. has been dedicated to measuring and reporting SCA statistics using the [...]
Career Opportunities
We are currently accepting applications. View all available openings. From MVA’s to medical calls, from working a water rescue to a rescue at a theme park. LifeNet offers EMTs an opportunity to work some very high acuity calls, [...]
Smart 911
Sign up for Smart911 and create your own Safety Profile to give 9-1-1 valuable information about yourself, family members, your home, pets and even vehicles that will automatically display on the 9-1-1 call taker's screen when you make [...]
Hannah’s Light
It started just like every other morning; a seven year old went to her bus stop, but what happened next leaves a hole in the hearts of her family and friends and changed many people’s lives forever. Sadly, [...]
Gold Standard National Accreditation
LifeNet first received national accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Ambulance Services (CAAS) in December 2000 for its compliance with national standards of excellence. The Commission is a non-profit organization established to encourage and promote quality patient [...]