Our mission as an ambulance service provider is to offer the highest quality patient care in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Because our focus is on the care of the patient, training our EMTs and paramedics is a core value at LifeNet.

The LifeNet Air helicopter program is the oldest air ambulance service in the state of Arkansas. The flight program, which began in 1983 as St. Michael’s AirLife, has now flown over 13,000 accident free medical missions.

Fixed wing transports are used for inter-facility transfers when the patient needs urgent care that is not available at the sending facility. We match the medical flight crew with the patient’s needs.

LifeNet operates two 24-hour-a-day EMS dispatch centers staffed by experienced personnel familiar with the geographic area, city streets, and addressing system of our service area.
At LifeNet, our mission as an ambulance service provider is to offer the highest quality patient care in both emergency and non-emergency situations. Because our focus is on the care of the patient, training our EMTs and paramedics is a core value at LifeNet. We provide continual and on-going refresher training on the latest technologies and provide original training and continuing training of first responders in the counties we serve. All personnel are state certified at their level of performance and most have achieved national certification.
LifeNet is able to maintain low response times by utilizing the concept called system status management (SSM). SSM is the science of matching demand for service with the supply of ambulances. Using SSM allows LifeNet to maintain and improve operational efficiency and customer satisfaction, while keeping costs under control.
The LifeNet Air helicopter program is the oldest air ambulance service in the state of Arkansas. The flight program, which began in 1983 as St. Michael’s AirLife, has now flown over 13,000 accident free medical missions. The flight program employs a Bell 407 Helicopter, which has the potential to travel at speeds up to 140 knots or 162.4 miles per hour. The flight program averages over 30 flights per month. During the course of a month, the flight program will do interhospital (60%) and on-scene (40%) flights. The Bell 407 will travel up to 165 miles for interhospital transfers and up to 70 miles for on-scene flights.
Fixed wing transports are used for inter-facility transfers when the patient needs urgent care that is not available at the sending facility. We match the medical flight crew with the patient’s needs. These transports are capable of flying faster over greater distances and are not as limited by weather conditions as helicopters. Additional space in the airplane many times allows a family member to fly with the patient.
All decisions regarding the appropriate method of transport should always be determined by what is in the best interest of the patient.
LifeNet operates two 24-hour-a-day EMS dispatch centers staffed by experienced personnel familiar with the geographic area, city streets, and addressing system of our service area. The technologically superior communications centers are fully equipped with the proper Enhanced-911 emergency response system equipment to receive both voice and data communication from the primary transferring E-911 center. They also provide two-way radio communications that meet or exceed the paramedic standard for all EMS communications.
Additionally, both LifeNet Communication Centers are protected from service interruption by an appropriate sized back-up generator, and redundant radio back-up systems.